
Today is the day!

I have wanted to write a blog for a very, very long time. I have tried, multiple times over the years, but never hit publish. I have come up with many different blog names over the years, but always stopped short. Some of them are funny. I’m sure I’ll share more about them at some point.

I keep thinking about what I want this blog to be about. I want it to be a place where I can remember the stuff I don’t want to forget. This past year plus has been filled with so many moments – big and small – that I don’t want to forget or take for granted. If you had told me pre-March 2020 that my life in November 2021 would look like it does, I would have told you that you were crazy.

My husband and I have been married for over a decade. We have 3 boys and I’m homeschooling them. I have 2 super flexible part-time jobs. (Thank goodness for flexibility!) My kitchen is like grand central station and I can’t even imagine what it will be like when the boys are teenagers!

I love coffee, I need prayers daily (if not hourly) and running keeps me sane! That’s me in a nutshell! I’m not sure when I’m going to be brave enough to share my blog with the world but for now I’m going to hit publish on day 1 and call it a win!